Our Vision Is:

To provide a peaceful and quiet place to which anyone may come, away from the stress and strain of daily life, to rest and to seek physical, emotional and spiritual renewal.

For all who stay at Te Waiora to feel loved and cared for; to experience the peaceful countryside, the beauty of the garden and the mountains, to have the opportunity to meet with God, and to leave feeling rested and refreshed.

Te Waiora House

means living water

In a conversation, Jesus said 'If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me and I would give you living water'. (John 4:10)

Book Your Room Now

Te Waiora - History - "His Story!"

"It has been well said that unless someone responds to an idea or vision and takes the responsibility to make it live, then no matter how potentially brilliant or helpful it may have been, it will die."

The Te Waiora Christian Centre was founded as a direct result of a Christchurch woman's response to a vision. Patricia Entwistle and her husband, Stewart, were working with the Church Missionary Society in Pakistan when Patricia contracted the disease, brucellosis. Because of her continuing illness the Entwistles had to return to New Zealand in 1983, where Patricia was to remain unwell for over two years. During this period she felt the need for time to reassess herself emotionally and spiritually, as well as giving the teenage family and her husband a break from the pressure of her prolonged ill health.

Patricia Entwistle also realised that if she was feeling this way there must be many others, women and men, who would need "time out” to be restored physically, mentally and spiritually. Her first thought was to establish a Christian Guest House, but it was while she was at Titoki Healing Centre in the North Island of New Zealand and after discussion with the Chaplain, the Rev. Don Ferguson, that her vision was affirmed of a centre and community where there was a ministry to the whole person.

On her return home Patricia was led of the Lord to share her vision with Mrs. Gladys Childs, Dr. David Troughton and Miss Elizabeth Smith. Following these discussions and a meeting with the then Bishop of Christchurch, the Rt. Rev. Maurice J. Goodall, an inaugural public meeting was held on the 11th September, 1984, from which a working committee was formed. The Te Waiora (Canterbury) Healing Centre Trust was registered in December 1984. A number of Christian men and women also agreed to be advisors to the Trust.

Friends of Te Waiora:

From the beginning the Trustees were greatly encouraged by the support received from the general public, with donations and gifts being received on a regular basis.

The formation of 'Friends of Te Waiora' has created a support base on which so much of the ministry is dependent.

When the Trustees launched the appeal for funds to purchase the property, members of the media were invited.

The representative from TVNZ was most impressed with the concept, and indicated that at an appropriate time he would like to do a small feature. This was done in August 1986, and created a great deal of interest, and from it came many enquiries.

All who are associated with Te Waiora are committed to providing, within this troubled and hurting world, a place for rest and renewal for the whole person, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Their hope is that the 'love of God as expressed in Jesus Christ' may be seen through loving and caring attention for all who come to stay.

If you would be a 'Friend of Te Waiora', please contact our hosts, tel: 03 318 0789, or use our 'Contact' page.

Anybody wishing to make a material donation / gift to the House or property (e.g. shrub, item of furniture, etc.), should submit their proposal to the Trust for its consideration.

Meet our team


  • We dont currently have permanent hosts and rely on volunteers to provide catered stays. Please express your interest to Te Waiora if interested in volunteering

2025 Trustees:

  • Kevin McDonnell (Chairperson)
  • David Elliott (Deputy Chairperson)
  • Gaye Bruce
  • Jo Bitmead
  • Anne Shave
  • Alan Townley (Treasurer)

Are you able to help at Te Waiora?

Te Waiora operates successfully with a team of volunteers.

There are countless opportunities ... Baking, gardening, mowing lawns, cleaning, practical 'fix it' jobs etc ...

A furnished flat is available for overnight volunteers to stay at Te Waiora. Duties involve preparing the meals, chatting with guests - generally making sure they are comfortable and enjoying their stay.

Interested ?

Please contact the hosts on 03-318 0789 to discuss how you might like to be involved.

Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

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